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St George의 생활영어 - Christmas

어학원 St George ( www.stgeorge.ac.nz ) 에서 제공하는 대화문입니다.
영어 실력 향상에 도움되세요~


Sara: Wow…look at all your shopping bags! Are you doing your Christmas shopping already? It’s only November.
사라:와우 이게 전부 다 네 쇼팽백이야? 벌써 크리스마스 쇼핑 하는거야? 아직 11월 밖에 안됐는데.

Sophie: Nearly finished! I want to get it all over with before December…it’s madness trying to get your Christmas shopping done then.
소피:거의 끝났어! 12월 전까지 끝내고 싶어.. 그때가서야 크리스마스 쇼핑을 하려 한다면 정말 바보같은 짓이지.

Sara: I’m trying to make presents for as many people as I can this year – everything’s so expensive now – we might as well have some DIY Christmas presents. So what are you up to on Christmas Day?
사라: 이번년에 최대한 많은 사람들을 위해 선물을 준비하려고 노력중이야- 지금은 모든게 너무 비싸- 우린 DIY(Do It Yourself) 직접 만든 크리스마스 선물을 하는게 나을지 몰라. 어쨌든 넌 크리스마스 날 뭐하니?

Sophie: It’s going to be full on! I’m having a champagne breakfast at home, then Christmas lunch at my parents’ house, then dinner with my partner’s family…I’m going to have to pace myself so that I can manage to eat all those meals! Oh and I’ve got a Christmas party for my work the week before – we’re going on a harbour cruise. How about you? What are you up to?
소피: 난 바쁠거야! 집에서 샴페인으로 아침을 시작해서, 부모님 댁에서 크리스마스 점심을 먹은 다음, 내 파트너의 가족들과 저녁을 먹을거야…이 식사를 다 해결할 수 있도록 내 자신을 잘 조절해야해! 아 참! 그리고 그 전주에 회사 크리스마스 파티가 있어- 하버 크루즈를 갈건데. 너는? 넌 뭐할거야?

Sara: Well Christmas day itself is going to be pretty quiet & relaxing – my dad’s family always go away to their bach for Christmas Day – so we have a big get-together with them the weekend before Christmas. And most of my mum’s family live overseas. So I’m just going to have Christmas dinner at my parents’ house…and one of my friends is going to come with me – her family are all out of town this Christmas. I’m going to the South Island on Boxing Day so I’ll need to pack for that as well.
사라: 글쎄, 이번 크리스마스 날에는 조용하고 편안할거야- 아버지의 가족들은 항상 크리스마스날 별장으로 가셔- 그래서 우린 크리스마스 전 주말에 단체로 친척들과 모여. 그리고 대부분의 어머니 가족들은 외국에 사시고. 그래서 난 그냥 부모님의 집에서 크리스마스 저녁을 먹을거야..그리고 내 친구들 중 한명이 나와 같이 갈거구- 그 친구의 가족들이 이번 크리스마스날 전부 여행가거든 . 박싱 데이 땐 남섬에 가기 때문에 짐도 싸야하고.

Sophie: That sounds nice. I wish I could have some time to relax on Christmas day. I’m going to be racing from one house to the next. So what kind of presents are you making for people?
소피: 정말 좋겠다. 크리스마스날 안식할 수 있는 시간 좀 가졌으면 좋겠다. 난 이집 저집 서둘러 돌아다녀야 할거야.. 그래, 넌 사람들을 위해 어떤 종류의 선물을 만들고 있니?

Sara: I’m going to make some big batches of sweets – like fudge and coconut ice and wrap them up nicely. I’m going to make toys for my nieces and make my own Christmas cards too!
사라: 난 퍼지나 코코넛 아이스 같은 달콤한 것들을 만들어서 예쁘게 포장하려고해. 조카들한테는 직접 만든 장난감과 크리스마스 카드를 줄거야.

Sophie: Good idea. It’s great to get something a bit personal at Christmas – it really has become too commercial. Unfortunately I’m so busy at work at the moment that I don’t have time to make things for people. I’m always bringing work home with me. Still; I’m glad that I’ve nearly finished my Christmas shopping – one less thing to think about!
소피: 좋은 생각이야. 크리스마스 때 약간의 개인적인 것들을 준비하는 것도 좋지- 요즘엔 너무 다 상업적이잖아. 불행히도 난 회사일이 너무 바빠서 다른 사람들을 위해 뭔가 직접 만들 시간이 없어. 난 항상 집에 회사 일거리를 가져 오거든. 근데 크리스마스 쇼핑은 거의 끝내서 너무 좋아- 생각해야 될 거리가 하나 줄잖아.

Sara: That’s true – well have a great Christmas if I don’t see you before then.
사라: 맞아- 크리스마스 전에 못 볼수도 있으니까 크리스마스 잘 보내.

Sophie: You too – and have fun in the South Island!
소피: 너도- 그리고 남섬에서 좋은시간 보내!

Glossary :

Madness – craziness. Here this means that it will be crazy trying to buy Christmas presents in December because all the shops will be so busy. 무모한짓,바보짓.

might as well – no reason that you should not do something.
Another example is “Since we have to wait, we might as well sit down and relax.” This means “Since we have to wait, there’s no reason why we should not sit down and relax.” ~하는게 낫다.

DIY – Do It Yourself. Here, Sara is talking about DIY Christmas presents – she means homemade Christmas presents or Christmas presents she has made.
DIY is also often used to talk about renovating your house or fixing things at home by yourself, rather than paying someone else to do it. 직접 만든것.

pace – used as a verb like this, pace means to plan carefully how fast you are going to do something. 조절하다.

In Sophie’s case, it means that because she has lots of meals to eat that day, she should not eat too much at each place, so that she is not too full.

You might pace yourself when you’re running a race, so that you don’t run too fast at the start and use up all your energy.

You might pace yourself when you’re sitting an exam, so that you don’t spend too long on one question and run out of time to finish the others.

be racing – be hurrying/be moving fast. 서둘러 다니다.

